Macaw perching on a tree branch under a blue sky near Porta Hotel Antigua

Local Attractions


Throughout Antigua, from its most popular and joyful Parque Central to its many cobblestoned avenues, you will find a Spanish colonial paradise inspired by vivid Mayan culture, the warmth of resplendently clad locals and the youthful, carefree energy of everyone living or visiting here. And when you stay at Porta Hotel Antigua, the best things to do in Antigua, Guatemala are only steps away. 

Antigua is the kind of place where local kids chase soccer balls around plaza fountains and marimba bands hold impromptu concerts in the park. On the sidewalks, resident artisans fire up candles to illuminate their handmade woodcarvings, colorful clothing, leather accessories and indigenous jade jewelry. Experience the ruins of centuries old churches, monasteries, convents and universities. Explore places such as Compania de Jesus, Hotel Museo Casa Santo Domingo, San Carlos University and civic buildings such as the Palacio de Capitanes slumber beside Easter egg-colored shops. You can also visit beautifully restored mansions and restaurants offering cuisine from all corners of the world.

In the hills outside the city, you’ll find three majestic volcanoes (Volcán de Agua, Volcán de Fuego and Acatenango) standing guard over historic coffee estates. There are also thermal baths shrouded in steam to see and plenty of thatched roof restaurants, where you can sample delicacies like tortillas, guacamole, frozen bananas and, of course, locally harvested Guatemalan coffee. 

You’ll discover how much is available to experience during your stay. We invite you to absorb it all from Porta Antigua. For assistance with arranging tours, recreational activities or anything else you might want to do in La Antigua Guatemala, please ask our warm and friendly staff or our tour desk, which is conveniently located in the lobby of the hotel.

Volcan de Pacaya

Is the most active volcano in Guatemala, with 2500 mts. above the sea; the environment is formed by humid forest and rocks and it is readily accessible to visit and see the lava eruption, if active.

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Museo de Armas de Santiago

This museum presents a comparative sample of the weapons used by the Spanish and Indians in the time of the conquest.

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Museo del Arte Colonial

This important museum occupies the building that was home to the University of San Carlos de Borromeo in colonial times.

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Museo del Palacio Arzobispal, San Juan del Obispo

Offers guided tours service to publicize a collection of sculptures, paintings and altar-pieces from the colonial era.

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Centro Cultural La Azotea

It has three interesting museums: Casa K'ojom  is a music museum exhibit featuring musical instruments and pre-Columbian Mayans; Museo del Café with history and description of the process itself and the Rincón Sacatepéquez, exhibiting costumes from different regions of Guatemala and crafts.

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Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española - AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo)

In 1994, the city of La Antigua Guatemala, which owns the building, gives the right to use it to AECI for the creation of Latin American Centre for Development Training.

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It was not until 1680 that it acquired the grandeur whose remains we see today.

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Palacio del Ayuntamiento

Built in the seventeenth century, was the prototype of the Palacio Real. Its design and construction is attributed to the architects Luis Navarro Díaz, Juan de Dios Aristondo and Diego de Porres.

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Convento de Santa Clara

Originally founded by a group of Poor Clare Nuns from Puebla, Mexico, in 1699.

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Claustro de San Jerónimo

Its construction dates back to 1759. A few years later, Spanish authorities decided to install there the offices of the Royal Customs.

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Convento de La Recolección

Beautiful colonial monument, now in ruins, home of the Order of Friars Recoletos, which was concluded to build by 1715.

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Tumba de Rafael Landívar

Monument to the great colonial poet Rafael Landivar. Born in Santiago on October 27th, 1731 and died in Bologna, Italy in 1793.

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Ermita de San José El Viejo

Its construction was due to the lack of a place to venerate the image of San José, created by La Antigua Guatemalan sculptor Alonso de Paz.

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Templo de San Sebastián

Was considered a Chapel because it was located on the outskirts of the city; it was one of the few temples which work after the earthquakes of 1773.

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Templo y Convento de La Compañía de Jesús

The set consisted in a school, a church and a convent. The construction of the temple was made ​​by master builder Jose de Porres, and the school founded in 1582 is attributed to the architect Francisco Fernández Fuentes.

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Fuente de las Delicias

Famous because in its square is held "La Quema del Diablo" each December 7th

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Templo y Convento de la Virgen de la Concepción

This temple belonged to the Orden de la  Concepción, was built between 1623 and 1642.

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Templo y Hospital de San Pedro Apóstol

Its construction was provided by Juan Pascual and Jose de Porras, who finished in 1662 the hospital and in 1675 the temple.

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Templo y Monasterio San Felipe Nery (Escuela de Cristo)

Was originally the place where the Order of the Franciscans built its first chapel in the Captaincy General of Guatemala.

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Templo y Monasterio San Francisco El Grande

It has the richest pieces of colonial art. It is the most visited temple because in one of its chapels is the tomb of Saint Hermano Pedro de San Jose de Betancourt, and also for being one of the most fervently continue La Antigua Guatemalan religious traditions.

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Valhalla (Tour Plantation Macadamia Nut)

Experimental farm located about ½ mile before San Miguel Dueñas. Enjoy and observe natural macadamia, chocolate and macadamia and also you can buy cosmetics.

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Volcán de Agua

Located south of the city. Not in activity, however, has been one of the most destructive and decisive in the history of the city of Santiago de los Caballeros.

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Finca Filadelfia

Is an eco-tourism initiative that combines the familiar excitement of the canopy with the observation of landscapes, flora and fauna. Finca Filadelfia is a coffee farm where you can watch the entire process of coffee, from harvest until toasted.

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Volcan Acatenango

Explore the summit of the volcano on a 2-day trip from Antigua. At almost 4,000 meters (13,000 feet) above sea level, the advanced hike offers spectacular views of the nearby Agua and Fuego volcanoes.

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Quad Bike Tours

Start at El Cerro de la Cruz, the popular viewpoint, before heading to a local eco-lodge and avocado plantation in a small town in the mountains.

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Learn how to make chocolate desserts in the country that makes it best during a 2-hour workshop at the ChocoMuseum in Antigua. Learn everything about the chocolate making process, from the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar.

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Local market

he busiest days are Monday, Thursday and Saturday. It shows the marketing of agricultural products, as well as the color and variety of costumes worn by the sellers.

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Handicraft Market

This market exhibits interesting variety of craft products, made ​​by true craftsmen Antiguan.

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San Antonio Aguas Calientes

Famous for the quality of the tissues that produce their weavers. Interestingly, some of them are grouped in cooperatives.

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San Felipe de Jesús

Two kilometers from La Antigua Guatemala is a small town that annually becomes the center of pilgrimage, especially during the celebration of Lent and Easter. Inside the church is venerated the image of Christ being buried, possibly carved by the artist Quirio Cataño.

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Mirador de La Cruz, Cerro La Candelaria

Located 1 km. From city, road to El Hato, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city. This ascent can be done on foot or by car but in both cases it is advisable not to do it alone, so the tourist police offers accompanying timetable.

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San Juan Del Obispo

Famous town because there were located the first archbishop's palace, in Renaissance style. This palace was the residence of Bishop Francisco Marroquín.

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Ciudad Vieja

The place where you can see the Church of the Immaculate Conception, in Baroque style, built in the eighteenth century.

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Open Windows

This organization operates in San Miguel Dueñas, 15 kms. south of La Antigua Guatemala.

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This is a Spanish Academy and organization that supports social projects in the area. Open libraries in small towns and give scholarships to poor children.

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Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro

Organization dedicated to health and care of people unprotected, offering free or at token prices surgery services, general medicine, medical conferences for specific ailments, gives home and assists disabled children and the elderly, children attending day care, attend young adults with addictions and alcoholism.

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Precious Hands

It is a for-profit company dedicated to support the artisans to produce, promote and sell their handmade crafts in the markets of the world.

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Organization dedicated to provide Guatemalan families the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives through education and access to family planning and reproductive health. Its orientation is directed towards men, women and adolescents.

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Centro Cultural Casa Santo Domingo

Is located in the building that became known as Colegio Santo Tomas de Aquino and now is a hotel with six museums (colonial, archeology, imagery, skeletons, and exhibition of handicrafts) and two workshops , a sale of candles and other pieces made ​​from stone, clay and glass.

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St. Joseph Cathedral under a cloudy sky near Porta Hotel Antigua

St. Joseph Cathedral

Ten minutes - walking

St. Joseph Cathedral in La Antigua Guatemala is a Roman Catholic church originally built around 1541, but suffered several earthquakes throughout its history, and the first church building was demolished in 1669. The cathedral was rebuilt and consecrated in 1680. It is located in front of main plaza and it offers daily services in different hours

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Exterior view of Arco de Santa Catalina near Porta Hotel Antigua

Templo y Arco de Santa Catalina

In 1609, four nuns of the Convent of the Conception obtained permission to establish the Santa Catalina Convent, the second in the city, opened on September 15th, 1647.

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Interior view of Museo del Libro Antiguo near Porta Hotel Antigua

Museo del Libro Antiguo

Inside is a replica of the first printing press that operated in Guatemala in 1660.

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Interior of Casa Santo Domingo Museums featuring an array of human statues near Porta Hotel Antigua

Casa Santo Domingo Museums

15 minutes - walking

Antigua’s Museums Promenade offers a range of fascinating museums in one complex. You can wander through a fascinating array of incredibly informative attractions, including the Colonial Museum, the Archeology Museum, the Museum of Pre-Columbian Art and Modern Glass, the Marco Augusto Quiroa and the Artist Halls, the Silver Museum and the Pharmacy Museum.

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Convento de Capuchinas near Porta Hotel Antigua

Convento de Capuchinas

Was the last female convent founded in the city. One of the biggest attractions is the impressive tower of retirement, circular configuration of 18 cells.

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Interior of La Casa del Jade near Porta Hotel Antigua

La Casa del Jade

This is the first and largest jade factory in the city. It has a museum, showroom, exhibition and much information about the Maya worldview.

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Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco exterior near Porta Hotel Antigua

Iglesia y Convento de San Francisco

In this temple is the tomb that holds the mortal remains of Saint Hermano Pedro de Betancourt, who performed in the colonial period a lot of charity, work to help the poor and now attributed miraculous qualities.

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Entrance view of Iglesia y Convento La Merced near Porta Hotel Antigua

Iglesia y Convento La Merced

the exquisite Baroque facade shows an extraordinary ornamental work done in stucco. Inside the monastery you can also see one of the largest fountains of the city.

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